Plants with benefits for your aquarium

Plants are not only decorative elements in an aquarium. They have their place for several reasons that we will detail in this article.
Main hiding places for fish, plants allow a scared little one to take refuge. This is often the case in duels between dominant/dominated fish where the dominated fish takes flight in the heart of the plants. In addition to their qualities, plants contain an interesting micro fauna for the aquarium environment. They are able to absorb ammonium and nitrates from fish excrement and thus maintain the aquarium’s ecosystem and good water quality. But that’s not all, they also participate in the transformation of CO2 into oxygen.

Plants are living creatures and therefore need nutrients and space. The aquarium must be adapted to the species you wish to install with compatible water parameters, controlled lighting and a dedicated space.
The placement of the plants in the tank is very important for the well-being of the aquarium or simply for aesthetics. Like corals, they can compete with the surrounding species. A “bushy” effect could then overshadow the aquatic species located at the bottom of the tank, so don’t hesitate to space out your plantings.

The main problem with plants in water is the appearance of algae. As you know, finding a balance in an aquarium is a long and complicated process. Without this balance, the proliferation of algae is frequent. These are also plants that have similar needs to the aquatic plants that are installed. So by favoring aquatic plants, we also favor the development of unwanted algae.

To help you make a choice in plants, we have selected some with a fast growth, robust and little attention to the parameters of the water.

– Crytocoryne Wendtii
– Microsorum pteropus
– Limnophila sessiliflora
– Vallisneria spiralis
– Sagittaria subulata
– Echinodorus cordifolius
– Ludwigia palustris
– Bacopa monnieri