How is it that foam is formed on the surface of culture ?

The formation of foam is the sign of an organic overload. This is often due to too much feeding compared to the number of rotifers present. It is necessary to change a large volume (at least 50%) of the crop and / or to reduce the quantity of food delivered.

The concentration of rotifers decreases, although I feed the crop, what should I do ?

Either you do not feed your culture enough, or you feed too much. If your water clears between 2 feedings, it is likely that you are in the first situation. In this case, you just need to gradually increase the amount of food delivered to the crop. If the water does not clear between 2 feeds, the amount of food delivered may be too much compared to the number of rotifers present. In this case, all microalgae can not be consumed within 24-48H. This has the effect of increasing the ammonia rate, resulting in a decline in the population of rotifers. It is necessary to act quickly and to change a large volume of the culture (min 50%) and / or to decrease the quantity of food delivered.

How much rotifers should I give to the fish ?

For juvenile stages of zebrafish (5-60 jpf), we recommend 2000 rotifers / day / fish. For more details, refer to our summary of the nutritional plan.

Are rotifers alone enough to feed the fish ?

For the larval stage of the zebrafish (5-10 jpf), rotifers alone are sufficient. From the 11th day, we recommend the supply of dry food (GEMMA MICRO). For more details, refer to our summary of the nutritional plan.

Until which stage can I feed the fish with rotifers ?

Rotifers serve as an essential living nutritional supplement for zebrafish up to 60 pff. For more details, refer to our summary of the nutritional plan.

How much microalgae should I give to rotifers?

The required amount of microalgae to be delivered each day to rotifers depends on the type of microalgae and the amount of rotifers to be harvested. Refer to the following table for more details:


  ml of microalgae Add of CloramX (gr)
RG complete 11 0
ROTIGROW Plus 3,75 1


Quantity of microalgae (RG complete or ROTIGROW Plus) and CloramX to bring each day to a crop of rotifers to harvest 1 million.