Quarantine for fish

Quarantine is also a common practice for aquarists. It can occur at different stages of development of fish and aquatic animal species.
Before the animal is introduced into the aquarium, it must be checked to ensure that it does not contain any pathogens that could contaminate other inhabitants. A quarantine in this case, allows the fish to acclimatize to a new environment but also to guarantee the health of all your fish.
For this isolation, we recommend a minimum of 15 days.

The quarantine can intervene in the case of a visibly sick fish. Isolation has the advantage of allowing close observation and targeted treatment of only those fish affected by the disease. To do this, you must transfer it for about 10 days to a “hospital tank”, which must meet special requirements, at the risk of being an additional stress for the fish already in bad shape. In general, 10 to 15 days of isolation are necessary. In the absence of a hospital tank, it is sometimes preferable to eliminate the sick fish in order to avoid an epidemic that could lead to the loss of all the fish in the aquarium.

You must eliminate a dead fish as soon as possible to avoid the proliferation of diseases.
When setting up the tank: it should contain only the strict minimum, you must avoid placing any superfluous elements on which pathogens could find refuge. At the end of the isolation period, the aquarium and all equipment must be cleaned with a disinfectant such as bleach.

We recommend a fairly spacious tank without sand with just a few hiding places to be placed in a quiet, dimly lit area.
Putting a fish in quarantine is not easy: whether it is to acclimatize a newcomer, or to take care of a sick fish, the stress linked to the change of environment can be fatal. More than ever, special attention must be paid to water quality. Nevertheless, a well conducted quarantine remains the best way to protect your fish.

Link to test the water in your aquariums