You are currently connected to the PLANKTOVIE website PLANKTOVIE is a « société par actions simplifiée » (sas), registered in the commercial register of Marseille, France, under the number RCS:821987096. The headquarters of the company is located at 45 rue Frédéric Joliot Curie,13013 Marseille, France
Under article 34 of Computing and Data Protection Act (French Law) January 6th 1978 you have the right to access, modify, rectify or cancel any or all information pertaining to your registration. In order to exercise this right, please write to PLANKTOVIE.
How we collect information about you: When you register with PLANKTOVIE via this website, you will be asked to provide basic contact information (e.g., name, organization, address, phone number, e-mail address, fax number, and so on). On this website, for example, we may collect and retain contact and other information from you in a number of ways, such as when you place an order, request e-mail updates or other information, complete customer surveys, submit a feedback or contact form, or provide a resume. If any third parties provide information to us about you, we may combine that information with other information we have about you, and we will treat that information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. This website collects various non-personally identifiable information from you in the course of your navigation of the website, such as the URL of the website you just came from, the browser version you use, your Internet Protocol (IP) address, IP ports, date/time, size of data transferred, pages you visit, and other “clickstream” data. PLANKTOVIE also uses “cookies” to enhance your website visit. A “cookie” is information either temporarily or permanently stored in a file on your computer. You can set your browser to reject cookies, but that may limit your use of some convenience features at this website. How we use information about you: PLANKTOVIE uses information collected by clickstream data collection and cookies to store your preferences, improve website navigation, make personalized features and other services available to you, compile and analyze aggregate statistics and trends, and otherwise help administer and improve the website. Where you provide registration information, cookies can also be used to identify you when you log onto the website or portions of the website. Except as otherwise stated, PLANKTOVIE may use information it collects from you and others to respond to your request, improve the content, services, and products that PLANKTOVIE provides, customize this website to your preferences, communicate information to you (where you have not expressed a preference otherwise), for our marketing and research analysis, and for other purposes identified to you. PLANKTOVIE reserves the right to make full use of information that is not in personally identifiable form. From time to time, PLANKTOVIE uses contact information obtained via this website to send e-mail and postal mail supplying customers with the most recent product and service information. If you order products or services via our website, PLANKTOVIE may contact you by e-mail to send you information about your order (e.g., order confirmations, shipment notifications, etc.). PLANKTOVIE may also contact website visitors via e-mail regarding their account status, and about changes to any relevant agreements or policies.
PLANKTOVIE does not provide the personally identifiable information you supply to us to outside mailing lists. PLANKTOVIE may share information about you with PLANKTOVIE’s affiliates, successors, and agents/representatives (for example, consultants), which are required to treat the information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. PLANKTOVIE takes reasonable steps online and offline to safeguard the information you provide to us. Portions of your data may also be encrypted on our storage server for additional security. We may disclose personally identifiable information that you provide via this website to respond to law enforcement requests or where required by applicable laws, regulations, or court orders. Furthermore, we may disclose information provided by you in connection with corporate restructuring, sale or assignment of assets, merger, divestiture, and other changes of control or financial status, in which case we will require the recipient to use the information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. Because no system is 100% secure or error-free despite taking commercially reasonable steps, PLANKTOVIE and its affiliates do not promise, and you should not expect, that information you provide to PLANKTOVIE shall remain private under all circumstances. It is your responsibility to safeguard any passwords, ID numbers, or other special access features associated with your use of the website.
If you do not wish to receive certain communications from PLANKTOVIE, or our affiliates or representatives, you may opt out by: (1) declining the service offered when registering or at other information collection points on the website, or (2) informing us that you no longer wish to receive such communications. We will comply with such requests unless such communications are necessary for the administration of your account, required by law, or necessary to protect our rights. Access to information you provide: You may at any time request access to a summary of the information you provided at web registration, and request corrections or updates to that information. PLANKTOVIE will make reasonable efforts to respond promptly to such requests, but reserves the right to limit such requests to two per year per individual. Further, our response to such requests may be limited to information under our direct control. Other websites: This website contains links to the websites of other organizations. PLANKTOVIE is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of other websites, and unless otherwise specified, does not imply any relationship, sponsorship, or affiliation between PLANKTOVIE and these linked websites, or adoption or approval of the content of such websites.
All contents of the PLANKTOVIE Web Site are Copyright 2016 by PLANKTOVIE and/or its suppliers. All rights reserved. The entire PLANKTOVIE website is governed by French and International legislation governing royalties and design rights. All rights reserved including documents, drawings, photographs and technical specifications pertaining to PLANKTOVIE. Downloading is restricted to those persons/companies pre-registered and in possession of an access code. No part of the PLANKTOVIE website may be reproduced in any form or by any means whatsoever without written permission of the publisher and copyright holder. All brands referred to in the PLANKTOVIE site are registered Trademarks.
The PLANKTOVIE website is registered with CNIL (French Committee of Computing and Data Protection).
In the interests of maximum security all sensitive information and/or personal details should be forwarded by “Registered” mail to PLANKTOVIE. The security of information transmitted via the worldwide web to the PLANKTOVIE site is the responsibility of the sender.