Zooxanthellae and the phenomenon of symbiosis

Zooxanthellae are unicellular algae capable of living in the endoderm of many corals and molluscs (e.g.: the Benetids). They are also photosynthetic dinoflagellates. Sheltered from disturbances, within

Our favorite small crustaceans

Crustaceans are a family composed of more than 50000 species. The best known are certainly the shrimps. Discreet and peaceful, shrimps are very interesting species

Fireworms in an aquarium

Fireworms are a group of species including Eurythoes sp., Linopherus sp., Pareurythoe sp., Hermodice carunculata

The different types of aquariums

You want to start in the aquarium business, but you don't know where to start. We accompany you towards the choice of an aquarium which

Soft and hard corals 

Soft and hard corals  We know how difficult it is to maintain corals even if you are an aquarist. Some species are more or less easy to


Microalgae are aquatic microorganisms, made of a single cell. They are known to produce various molecules with very good efficiency and speed. Their potential is still