Increase the calcium in your tank
Royal Calcium Chloride Dihydrate CaCl2*2H2O Calcium:
Ca; Ca2+ (ion); 40.08 (weight); 400 – 450 ppm (desired concentration).
Product Description:
We produce highly pure dihydrate calcium chloride. Our Calcium Chloride Dihydrate is a perfect solution to increase depleted calcium in the aquarium. Because of its purity, it can be used in the pharmaceutical industry, or food industry, as well like all other salts, we make instant quality monitoring of the products in our own labor.
Note: Available calcium is also largely dependent on the amount of magnesium in the system. In other words, if the amount of available magnesium is depleted by saying pink calcifying algae, then the amount of available calcium will drop, due to the development of calcite.
You can find this product in our distributor stores in France and Belgium, do not hesitate to visit the nearest store from your home Our distributors
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