TW 1800 (947ml)


Available on request by the contact platform

Available on backorder

SKU: B036-P Category:

Preserved feed for nurseries


Extract from the website of Reed Mariculture :

TW 1800 (Thalassiosira weissflogii) is a large diatom (6-20µm x 8-15µm) that is used in the shrimp and shellfish larviculture industry. This alga is considered by several hatcheries to be the single best algae for larval shrimp.

The large cell size (16 X the biomass of Chaetoceros and 3 X the biomass of Tetraselmis) extends the algae feeding period until the end of the PL stage.  During the winter this algae is about 15 microns but shrinks to about 5 microns during the summer.

The color of TW varies from brown to green to yellow, depending on the amount of chlorophyll in the culture. This color change does not in any way affect the quality of the algae.

Note: this alga will slowly change in color from brown to a light green after a few weeks in storage. This is caused by a change in chlorophyll and has no effect on the quality of the algae.

Strain: CCMP1051

Weight 1,055 kg

Reed Mariculture

User type

Scientist, Aquaculturist


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