This course is designed to provide you with basic knowledge in the use of the most commonly used computer languages for statistical analysis of a data set. The course is intended for anyone who wants to acquire or refresh their knowledge with a solid theoretical basis in differential and inferential statistics. It is necessary to have a computer on which to work.

The training can be done in French, Spanish or English.

Course program :

It can take place in Inter-company, Intra-company or Video-conference.

To obtain a quote, you can contact us by email :

For who ?

The course is intended for anyone who wants to acquire or refresh their knowledge with a solid theoretical foundation in differential and inferential statistics.

How ?

Thanks to professionals in the field and training structures adapted to your desires, your training will be personalized.

Why ?

The goal is to help you understand what you are doing with your data, how to do it and why.

Skills acquisition

  • Basics of computer languages to perform statistics
  • Realization of statistics

Other trainings available :

Cost of the training : 


2160€ TTC (including 360€ of TVA)

For more information, contact us !

    Choose your training*

