11TH European Zebrafish Meeting

The 11th European Zebrafish Congress was held on 26 and 27 October 2020.

It is the largest European meeting for zebrafish users. The conference covers a wide range, from aquaculture to tissue dynamics, from the study of early organogenesis to the application of fish in chemical biology. The numerous conferences allow exhibitors and visitors to exchange ideas.

This event allows exhibiting participants to show their latest work, equipment and materials for working with laboratory animals, and visitors to learn about new developments and improvements in this field.

Due to the current sanitary conditions, the congress took place as a virtual meeting and not in Prague as originally planned. However, most of the keynote speakers and symposia were exhibited.

The ZEBRAFISH meeting platforms provided an opportunity to present research through oral and poster presentations and to hear the latest updates. We were able to learn, share, network and interact.

We were represented as sponsors at the visual exhibition with a customisable stand.

You can visit the stand until the end of the year by logging in with your login and password.
Click here to access.

We were able to showcase our Gemma Micro products: https://planktovie.biz/en/gemma-micro/

Our semi-automatic distributors of live and solid foods: https://planktovie.biz/en/semi-automatic-feed-dispenser/

Our Royal Nature products, including salts: https://planktovie.biz/en/natural-sea-salt…ish-royal-nature/…ish-royal-nature/

The rotifer cultivation system: https://planktovie.biz/en/compact-culture-system/

Our nutrition protocol for zebrafish: https://planktovie.biz/en/protocols/nutritional-solutions/