Back to school with the Larvi 2017 symposium

As we move towards our next steps for the months to come, we keep our good habits of meeting in person with the academic and scientific communities across Europe. This time, Founder and CSO Olivier Detournay participates to Larvi’s 7th fish & shellfish larviculture symposium held this week at Ghent University in Gent, Belgium.

The Larvi 2017 symposium is a follow-up to previous ones organized throughout the years by the Aquaculture R&D Consortium of Ghent University and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). This edition embraces new possibilities offered by bioinformatics tools to focus on the critical issue of «closing the life cycle of aquaculture species of economic importance». An issue to which Planktovie contributes with its nutritive solutions. If you wish to meet Olivier, do not hesitate to hook up with him via our contact form. Happy Larvi symposium!