Planktovie is now Qualiopi certified !

We are pleased to announce that Planktovie has obtained Qualiopi certification.

This certification recognizes our commitment to service excellence and quality. We have invested time and resources to achieve this certification, and we are pleased to be able to offer you an even better service thanks to this distinction.

At Planktovie, we’re passionate about the life sciences and love sharing our expertise with our customers. Our training courses are designed to meet the needs of everyone, from beginners to experienced professionals. We offer tailor-made training courses in chemistry, biochemistry and biology, as well as training sessions on zebrafish and other aquatic models, which are particularly useful for researchers in developmental biology, toxicology, pharmacology and neuroscience.

Our team of qualified and experienced trainers is here to support you every step of the way, answering all your questions and providing you with the knowledge and skills you need. We pride ourselves on the quality of our training courses, which are both practical and theoretical, and are designed to help you achieve your goals.

Please visit our dedicated training page on our website to discover our full range of training courses. Here you’ll find detailed information on course content, prices and how to register.

If you have any questions or would like to receive a personalized quote, please contact us at

We’ll be delighted to help you find the training course that’s right for you.