4 October 2017 In Protocols Nutritional Solutions for zebrafish You can download the complete table by clicking here. Days Rotifer spp Gemma 75 Post Fertilization Daphnia spp Gemma 150 Gemma 300 0 5 10 17 30 60 100 150 Gemma 300/500 1 - 2 thousands rotifers * 9 - 15 mg * 4 - 9 mg * 1,13 - 5,00 mg * 0,23 - 1,25 mg * 10 - 32 mg * Gemma 300 10 - 25 mg * OR RGcomplete ORI-ONE 11 mL ** 1-2 g ** OR RGcomplete 4,5 mL *** ORI-ONE 0,5 - 1 g *** Yolk reserves * per zebrafish per day ** per million of harvested rotifers per day *** per thousand of harvested daphnias per day Gemma 75 1 thousand freshly hatched Artemia or daphnias *