Most pharmaceutical companies or clinical studies use English as a means of communication between international partners. Being proactive in these areas requires a good level of knowledge of scientific English. This training aims at acquiring English scientific terminology in order to be able to evolve with confidence in professional environments such as clinical studies, medical research or pharmaceutical laboratories. At the end of this training, participants will have acquired a sufficient level of English to follow a seminar, communicate around a project and consult medical documentation.

The training can be done in French or English.

Course program :

It can take place in Inter-company, Intra-company or Video-conference.

To obtain a quote, you can contact us by email :

For who ?

This type of training is ideal for people with a beginner’s level of English and working in the medical sector such as doctors, researchers, veterinarians, clinical study assistants, medical secretaries, medical representatives, lab technicians, etc.

How ?

Thanks to professionals in the field and training structures adapted to your desires, your training will be personalized.

Why ?

The training is interesting to invest you in a new professional activity, to develop your knowledge, to deepen your knowledge or to update your skills.

Skills acquisition

  • Improve your level of English
  • Follow a seminar
  • Communicate more clearly
  • To get information, etc.

Other trainings available :

Cost of the training :


2160€ TTC (including 360€ of TVA)

For more information, contact us !

    Choose your training*

