Our brand “Planktovie”

We develop specific products for research facilities working with aquatic models. We offer equipment to the scientific community specially developed for dispensing dry and live feed. We develop solid feed enriched with Astaxanthin to strengthen the immune system of your fish.

Finally, our recently developed photo-bioreactor completes our range of equipment, so that the cultivation of plankton known as very demanding is no longer a hindrance to your research work.

The Fishgun D2

Sans titre (9)

The use of aquatic models such as zebrafish (Danio rerio) in research laboratories is developing quickly. To date, few tools are available to improve the distribution of feed while facilitating the work of zootechnicians.

Planktovie has decided to act face of this lack, by offering a semi-automatic feed dispenser that improves the reproducibility and precision of feeding, while eliminating the recurring musculoskeletal disorders to which zootechnicians are subjected. Thus, by creating the Fishgun D2, Planktovie makes it possible to cover the nutritional needs of zebrafish at all stages of development.

The Fisgun D2 allows you to add an even higher level of precision for particle sizes below 150 µm (coefficient of variation less than 20%). It is also adaptable to the main aquarium brands on the market (Aquaneering, IWAKI, Aquatic Habitat, Pentair, Tecniplast).

The Fishgun L3

IMG_5235-live feed dispenser

The survival rate of zebrafish (Danio rerio) increases considerably when they can feed on zooplankton, their natural prey.  In captivity, it is therefore recommended to supplement their diet with live food such as Rotifers (Brachionus plicatilis) from the larval stage.

Thanks to the Fishgun L3, it is now possible to distribute live feed reliably and accurately. It has the same functionality as the Fishgun D2, with the addition of a tank in a backpack for transporting zooplankton.

The Fishgun L3 is adaptable to the main aquarium brands on the market (Aquaneering, IWAKI, Aquatic Habitat, Pentair, Tecniplast).

L-type rotifers

rotifères type L

The efforts made by the research centers for animal welfare evolve from year to year. In this context, the use of live plankton to feed zebrafish has spread very quickly within the scientific community.

We provide everything necessary for laboratories to successfully grow their own rotifers. We provide the necessary equipment for rotifer culture, as well as rotifer starter kits. We also offer for sale very high-quality phytoplankton such as Phyto-Feast or RGcomplete.


Daphnia magna

Daphnia (Daphnia magna) are known to be an essential feed source for many species of fish, such as zebrafish. This zooplankton as feed gives very good results in rearing from 60 days after hatching.

Planktovie proposes to make this zooplankton available to the scientific and aquarium community. We cultivate them by providing them with a diet of high nutritional quality. Indeed, Daphnia are fed with phytoplankton solutions mixing selected microalgae with a non-negligible concentration of Astaxanthin.

Growing Micro Asta +

Growing micro asta+

Numerous studies have shown that Growing Micro has a positive impact on the survival rate of fish, but also on their growth and fecundity. This very stable feed (extruded feed) has neutral buoyancy and is suitable for all stages of fish development, from larval to adult.

Planktovie offers Growing Micro Asta+ enriched with Astaxanthin, which strengthens both the color and immune system of marine fish and invertebrates.



In partnership with the CNRS, Planktovie has developed a photo-bioreactor for the high-yield production of certain types of microalgae known to be extremely difficult to produce in captivity, such as dinoflagellates. These microalgae, which produce a chemical arsenal very promising for its pharmacological properties, have remained almost unexploited until now because of this supply problem.

Planktovie is now making its expertise available to the scientific community. So that researchers and technicians can also produce in their own laboratories the quantities of microalgae they need for their work. For any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be at your disposal to find together the solution that suits you best.