Fish reproduction influenced by feed

Fish bred in captivity are quite capable of reproduction. We distinguish two processes of reproduction. One concerns oviparous fish with the laying of eggs and

The stinging power of corals

Corals as beautiful as they are, they have powerful sources of defense. To handle these species, we must take into account their degree of virulence. Biologists who

Zooxanthellae and the phenomenon of symbiosis

Zooxanthellae are unicellular algae capable of living in the endoderm of many corals and molluscs (e.g.: the Benetids). They are also photosynthetic dinoflagellates. Sheltered from disturbances, within

Our favorite small crustaceans

Crustaceans are a family composed of more than 50000 species. The best known are certainly the shrimps. Discreet and peaceful, shrimps are very interesting species

Fireworms in an aquarium

Fireworms are a group of species including Eurythoes sp., Linopherus sp., Pareurythoe sp., Hermodice carunculata